There are 5 products in this category
Cocoon your sweet reptile inside the fruitastic Coco-dome. This little coconut house creates the perfect setup for your reptile. Made from all natural Coconut Shell, this dome is an excellent natural hiding space for reptiles such as snakes and lizards to curl up inside, creating a tropical landscape in their home. Whether they are shading from the heater lamp or taking an afternoon nap, this little coco-dome will make them feel at home, providing comfort and a safe place to relax. Size: One Size - Approx. 10cm x 10cm x 5cm. Made from all natural Coconut shell.
Why should you place the Wooden Hide Natural in a vivarium? The Wooden Hide Natural is a great place for having a quiet little place for a bit of privacy or, if your reptile is getting a little too warm, he can cool down under the wooden hide. All reptiles enjoy basking, so the wooden hide will provide a wonderful structure for lazing on and taking in the comforting warmth of the UV light. It is also a superb structure for climbing over, running through and generally having a bit of fun to ease boredom and provide stimulation. Made from natural wood, the Wooden Hide Natural is available in two sizes Medium (15cm) and Large (20cm) and will accommodate most sizes of reptiles comfortably. This awesomely attractive wooden hide will look amazing in any vivarium adding a touch of class and opulence. You probably won't see your little friend for hours as he'll be slumbering away in contented bliss. The natural finish of the wooden hide is suitable for a range of reptiles such as crested geckos, chameleons, tree frogs and snakes. Look after your little friend and he will give you lots of pleasure. Go on, make his day - after all, he is special. Available Sizes: Medium 15cm or Large 20cm Material: Wood
When setting up a terrarium/vivarium for your exotic friend, it’s not only important to have bushy foliage for privacy and a place to hide and feel safe, but also other accessories - for instance, a drinking bowl, such as this plastic water dish which is available in three sizes for different reptile species. Some reptiles even enjoy bathing, so providing a wonderful bowl of cool water for them to splash about in or just to lie in will be most welcome. The colour of the bowl will also camouflage it against the stunning vegetation and foliage already in the tank. As the material of the bowl is plastic, if offers a smooth surface often preferred by small reptiles such as bearded dragons and leopard geckos. Durable and lightweight, this plastic water dish offers an economical alternative to the wood or stone dish. Clean and refill the bowl daily. Available sizes: - Small: Approx 6cm - Medium: Approx 8.5cm - Large: Approx 13cm Material: Plastic Colour: Light Brown
A natural pre-cleaned and dried wooden bark hide for your small vavarium pets. Both reptiles and crawlies will love a natural enclosure such as this and will encourage natural hunting and living behaviours. 3 different widths available all at 30cm long.
Fresh water should always be available for tortoises to either bathe in or drink. The colour of the New Tortoise Pool will camouflage it against the stunning vegetation and foliage already in the tank. When setting up a vivarium for your tortoise, it’s not only important to have bushy foliage for privacy and a place to hide and feel safe, but also other accessories - for instance, a tortoise pool, such as this durable resin dish which is available in three sizes. The three available sizes of pool will easily accommodate different sizes of tortoise from young to adult, small to large. The durable resin pool is very realistic and mimics a rock pool that could be found in their natural habitat and even has steps descending into the depths which are very useful for your reptile to get a foothold if he finds that he is getting into difficulties.. Tortoises should be bathed once a week for adults and twice a week for young tortoises. There should only be enough water in the dish to reach your tortoise's chin when bathing. To wash your tortoise's shell, spray with tepid water and, for any stubborn grime on the shell, a soft toothbrush can be used to gently scrub the shell clean. The tortoise should be dried thoroughly. Equally, tortoises should have plenty of fresh water available for drinking. Clean and replenish the dish daily to ward off nasty bacteria and prevent the water from becoming stale. The weight of the pool also ensures it can’t be pushed around that easily so the contents don't spill out. The smooth surface of the tortoise pool enables it to be cleaned and disinfected easily. Available Sizes: Small - approx 18 x 15 x 2.5cm Medium - approx 23 x 20 x 2.5cm Large - approx 33 x 28 x 2.5cm Colour: Light Brown Material: Strong durable resin