When setting up a vivarium for your tortoise, it’s not only important to have bushy foliage for privacy and a place to hide and feel safe, but also other accessories - for instance, a tortoise pool, such as this durable resin dish which is available in three sizes. The three available sizes of pool will easily accommodate different sizes of tortoise from young to adult, small to large. The durable resin pool is very realistic and mimics a rock pool that could be found in their natural habitat and even has steps descending into the depths which are very useful for your reptile to get a foothold if he finds that he is getting into difficulties..
Tortoises should be bathed once a week for adults and twice a week for young tortoises. There should only be enough water in the dish to reach your tortoise's chin when bathing. To wash your tortoise's shell, spray with tepid water and, for any stubborn grime on the shell, a soft toothbrush can be used to gently scrub the shell clean. The tortoise should be dried thoroughly.
Equally, tortoises should have plenty of fresh water available for drinking. Clean and replenish the dish daily to ward off nasty bacteria and prevent the water from becoming stale.
The weight of the pool also ensures it can’t be pushed around that easily so the contents don't spill out.
The smooth surface of the tortoise pool enables it to be cleaned and disinfected easily.
Available Sizes:
Small - approx 18 x 15 x 2.5cm
Medium - approx 23 x 20 x 2.5cm
Large - approx 33 x 28 x 2.5cm
Light Brown
Strong durable resin