There are 10 products in this category
175 Small/Medium Silent Brown Crickets
Morio Worms are high in protein and fat so are good for a host of reptiles and amphibians that need building up. This is also a reason why Morio Worms should not be regarded as a stable, as reptiles and amphibians can become overweight if this is the only food item available, so should always be offered as part of a varied and well-balanced diet. A wide range of lizards and amphibians will take Morio Worms readily, even when they are reluctant to take other prey items, although some delicate species should not be fed Morio Worms due to their hard exoskeleton which can be difficult to digest. Both the larva and the beetles are edible. They are also very easy to keep, cheap to house and feed, fast to breed and odourless, so make a great live food to have readily available within the home.
WAXWORMS Waxworms are the larvae of the waxmoth, specially treated with a completely natural process to inhibit pupation and aid storage. Waxworms are fed delicious nutrients such as honey and wheatgerm. Highly nutritious with soft skins Waxworms are suitable for feeding to any lizard or insectivorous aviary bird or wild bird. HOW WE SHOULD STORE THE WAXWORMS? Waxworms should be stored in a cool dark, well ventilated area. The warmer they are kept the faster they grow, and then pupate and become moths. At room temperature waxworms can be kep for around 3-4 weeks before they pupate, although moths can be a great treat. Waxworms are available in clear plastic tubs for easy feeding and storage. The waxworms can be stored in the tubs they come in, or in a larger well-ventialted container. Bran and honey can be provided for food and moisture. HOW DO WE FEED WAXWORMS TO OUR PETS? Place a few waxworms in a small, shallow container in the cage/vivarium. Waxworms make excellent food for reptiles especially with their high calcium and protein content, but due to their higher fat content they shouldn't be used as a staple, although they are very useful to fatten up a thin reptile.
Dubia Cockroach Medium - Approx 15 per tub
A complete culture of flightless fruitflies in a pre-packed tub containing culture medium, eggs, larvae and some adult flies. The culture will continue to produce new flies for several weeks and should be kept at normal room temperature.