A large range of treatments for your fish and fishtanks
There are 18 products in this category
Keeps Aquarium Water And Fish Healthy Without The Need For Frequent Water Changes
No matter how good your filtration system, your aquarium may be bothered by minute particles which find their way through even the finest filter media. It spoils the look of your aquarium, stunts plant growth by filtering out light and irritates fish gill membranes leading to poorly fish. Pour in Quick Clear and see the effect almost instantly. It clumps fine particles together meaing the filter can grab onto them. The result? Crystal clear aquarium water. Use to clear cloudy water in your aquarium as part of your regular maintenance routine to clear fine particles of waste to fine to be trapped by your filter. Dosage 1ml per 5 Litres Treats 250 Litres
Establish a healthy balance in your aquarium filter by adding Fast Filter Start. Filter bacteria are like the back-room heroes of your aquarium. You can't see them; you perhaps didn't even know they were there. But without filter bacteria, waste produced by fish, plants and decaying food doesn't break down effectively. This results in many of the fish health problems common to new aquariums. Filter bacteria can take several weeks to become established, but there is a sneaky shortcut. Add Fast Filter Start to your aquarium to add cultures of selected bacteria to your filter. This will rapidy start the waste breakdown process in your aquarium. Perfect for kick-starting your filter in a new aquarium or re-establishing bacteria levels after completing routine filter maintenance. Dosage 1ml per 36 Litres Treats 4500 Litres
The Pure Pond Bomb Is Supersized Version Of The Pure Balls And Can Be Used In Any Pond (With Or Without Filtration) To Reduce The Build Up Of Organic Waste And Help To Clear Cloudy Water (But Not Necessarily 'Green' Water) As Well As Reducing Levels Of Ammonia And Nitrite. The Single Pond Bomb Treats Any Sized Pond Up To 20,000 Litres Once And Is Used As Required.
This must be one of the most helpful treatments for any aquarium-keeper to have on-hand. A healthy salt/fluid balance is crucial to a fishs wellbeing. When stressed or sick, the salt/fluid balance can be disturbed which further threatens the fishs health. Aqualibrium First Aid Salt is a unique physiological salt formula which helps freshwater fish maintain a constant internal salt-fluid balance. Aqualibrium First Aid Salt additive is an incredibly versatile water treatment and can be used in a number of ways: As a general aquarium tonic As a mild pH buffer To help minimise the physiological effects of stress on your fish As a supportive measure when treating diseases To reduce the toxicity of Nitrite Use to support your aquarium communitys immune system to minimise the effects of fish stress and when using medical treatments.
Its natural, but its not nice - were talking about sludge of course. This build-up of excretion, left-over food and dead plants creates an ugly sludge blocking up your filter media, and is a breeding ground for disease-causing bacteria. But it doesnt have to be like this. Sludge Buster helps reduce the build-up of sludge in your aquarium. It contains a pure culture of safe essential bacteria to tackle sludge head-on. These bacteria act like an army of workers breaking down the sludge and clearing your aquarium, turning it back into a clean and healthy environment for your aquarium community.
Green water isnt a good look for aquariums. It doesnt only look horrible, its really bad for your fish too. Excessive light or nutrients can trigger this ugly and potentially dangerous algal bloom in your aquarium which can affect oxygen and pH levels. This makes the water highly alkaline and potentially dangerous for your fish. But help is at hand. Green Away neatly clumps the suspended algal particles so they can be trapped by your filter or sink to the bottom and be syphoned off when you do your next water change. Use for treating Green Water or "Pea Soup", and remove unsightly brown or green algae suspended in your aquarium.
You dont need us to tell you that White Spot is a horrible condition with an eventual 100% mortality rate on untreated aquariums. The white spot you see on your fish is a cyst containing the white spot parasite. Once the adult parasite leaves your fishs skin, it swims freely and reproduces, ready to create more parasites to attach to other fish in your aquarium But help is at hand with Anti White Spot Plus. It successfully kills the parasite during the free-swimming stage of the white spot life cycle. The product remains active for several days, to ensure the free-swimming parasites are destroyed as they emerge. Follow instructions carefully for the best result and the healthiest fish. Use for removing white spot (Ichthyophthirius sp.) and other invisible parasites from your aquarium.
They might be common diseases, but it doesnt make finrrot, mouthrot and cotton wool disease any less harmful. Minimise the problem with Anti Fungus and Finrot. This antibacterial and antifungal treatment will treat affected fish and prevent the disease from spreading in your aquarium. Use for treating against mouth rot (Columnaris sp.), fin rot (Psuedomonas sp) and cotton wool (Saprolegnia sp.) fungus. *Shake well before use*
Keep your fish swimming along happily and say "no!" to swimbladder problems. Swimbladder infections cause your fish to lose control of their buoyancy, resulting in severe stress and death. Swimbladder Treatment Plus destroys the bacteria that causes the infections, leaving your fish in tip-top condition once again. Use for treating swimbladder infections in your aquarium fish.
Keep your goldfish glowing with health. Treat the most common goldfish diseases caused by bacteria, fungus and parasites with this safe and effective treatment. Use to treat outbreaks of fungal and bacterial infections as well as parasitic infestations in goldfish aquariums.
Fish are fragile creatures and are easily stressed by situations you just cant avoid. Adding new fish, dealing with water quality problems or carrying out a major clean-out can be a big deal for your little fish. Stress makes your fish more susceptible to the disease-causing organisms which naturally occur in every aquarium. Use Disease Away as an insurance against a disease outbreak by keeping disease organisms at an acceptable level. Use for preventing outbreaks of fungal and bacterial infections as well as parasitic infestations in your aquarium. Can also be used to support fish with a suspected viral infection. Do not use with scaleless fish or invertebrates.
Untreated tap water contains chlorine and heavy metals and can be dangerous for aquatic life. Gold Tapsafe quickly removes these nasties from your tap water. It also adds soothing Aloe Vera to help protect and heal fish skin and gills, and beneficial bacteria to help maintain a healthy balance in your aquarium. The result? Perky, happy fish full of vigour.
No matter how good is your filter or how well you clean it, your aquarium may be bothered by minute particles which find their way even through fine filter media. It spoils the look of your aquarium and it can irritate the delicate fish gill membranes. Pour in some Gold Quick Clear and see the effect almost instantly. It clumps fine particles together so the filter can grab onto them. The result? Crystal clear aquarium water
Filter bacteria are like the back-room heroes of your aquarium. You can’t see them, perhaps you didn’t even know they were there. But without filter bacteria, waste produced by fish, plants and decaying food doesn’t break down effectively. This results in many of the fish health problems common to new aquariums. Filter bacteria can take several weeks to become established, but there is a sneaky shortcut. Add Gold Bio Bugs Cleaner to your aquarium to boost the numbers of good bacteria in your filter and to reduce the amount of waste on the bottom of your aquarium.
Fish are fragile creatures and are easily stressed by poor water quality or an unsuitable aquarium set up. Things like adding new fish, high ammonia levels or carrying out a major clean-out can be a big deal for little Goldie. Too much stress make him more susceptible to disease. Gold Disease Safe is an all-in-one medicine that works on a wide range of illnesses. It is specially formulated to be effective but safe. If your Goldie is looking poorly, remove the fine floss cartridge from your filter and quickly add a dose.
Make tap water safe for your goldfish. Remove toxins and chlorine from tap water for happier, healthier fish while adding vital good bacteria to help balance your water quality.
Make tap water safe for your goldfish. Protect your goldfish from tap water toxins and chlorine.