A non GM product made from british sugar beet. Suitable for cattle, calves, ewes, lambs, sows, growing pigs, horses, goats and other ruminants.
High in energy, palatable and rich in highly digestible fibre for growth, milk production and milk fat.
Typical analysis (on a dry matter basis)
Dry Matter (%) [i] - 89.0
Crude Protein (%) [i] - 10.0
Energy (MJ ME/kg DM) [i] - 12.5
Oil (%) - 1.3
NDF (%) [i] - 32.0
Starch (%) - 1.0
Sugar (%) - 20.0
DUP (%) [i] - 2.9
Recommended daily feed rates (per head basis)
Supabeet can be fed as part of a TMR or as a concentrate feed.
Milking Cows - Up to 6 (typically 3)kg
Dry Cows - Up to 2 kg
Replacement Heifers - Up to 2 kg and up to 40% of the DMI
Calves (to 12 weeks) - Up to 1.5 kg and up to 40% of the DMI
Growing Cattle - Up to 2.5 kg and up to 40% of the DMI
Finishing Cattle - Up to 5kg and up to 50% of the DMI
Suckler Cows - Up to 4 (typically 2)kg
Ewes and Rams - Up to 1 (typically 0.5) kg
Hoggets and Lambs - Up to 1 kg or up to 50% of the DMI
DMI = dry matter intake
Quality Assurance
Supabeet is FEMAS assured (or a recognised equivalent). Supabeet (Dried (sugar) beet feed, molassed) is listed under number 4.1.11 in the EU Catalogue of Feed Materials.
Suggested feeding rates are produced as a guide only and many other factors may have an overriding effect on animal response; no performance guarantee can be given. Rations should be carefully balanced for energy and protein, contain sufficient forage to maintain rumen function and be fortified with an appropriate vitamin and mineral supplement. Animals must have constant access to clean water.