Hay is an essential ingredient in a small animal, such as a Rabbit or Guinea Pig's diet and should be offered as the main part of its daily allowance together with some fruit and vegetables. Hay provides fibre for a healthy digestive system and crunchiness to help grind down their constantly growing teeth.
Rodents have front teeth that grow continuously and need to be checked often to ensure that they are not causing a problem. This problem is usually sorted out by having something crunchy to chew on. The Readigrass will fulfil their need through stimulating foraging fun to control boredom and stress levels.
Fibre: keeps the digestive system running smoothly
Protein: builds and repairs tissue and is the building block of bones and muscles.
Vitamins and Minerals: essential nutrients for a strong immune system.
High in fibre
100% natural feed
More nutritious than hay
Superb for dental health
Wonderful aroma
Grown exclusively in Yorkshire
Composition of Friendly Readigrass:
100% Grass
Analytical Constituents of Friendly Readigrass:
Crude Protein: 12%
Crude Fibre: 28%
Total Oils: 2%
Size: 1kg